Manage your organisation's carbon footprint
without specialised expertise

Scope 1, 2 and 3 - all in a certified tool
in accordance with GHG Protocol and ISO 14064-1
Free consultation

Explore the company's impact in all three scopes

Scope 1, 2 and 3 according to GHG Protocol
Scope 1

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions that originate from controlled or organisation-owned sources (e.g. emissions associated with the combustion of fuels in boilers, furnaces, vehicles)

Scope 2

Scope 2 covers indirect electricity emissions consumed by the reporting company (e.g. emissions from the generation of purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heat, or cooling

Scope 3

Scope 3 emissions are the result of activity from sources not owned or controlled by the reporting organisation, but which affect the organisation's supply chain (e.g. purchased goods, business travel, litter)

Managing your carbon footprint without specialised expertise?
Now it's easy!

Collect company emissions data

The platform suggests which data is needed to estimate the carbon footprint, and allows the data to be entered in several different forms: precise emissions data for individual activities, invoices or metric data

Complete the user-friendly form or upload data

The platform allows for different forms of downloading data for emissions counting: by filling in user-friendly forms, downloading existing data from spreadsheets or linking to the company's internal CRM system

If you don't have detailed information, you can send a request to suppliers or employees and their responses will appear in your organisation's account

Learn about company emissions and "hot spots"

In addition to details regarding overall emissions, you receive an analysis indicating where your organization is generating the most emissions, allowing you to know where reduction measures will bring the greatest benefit

Reduce and get better results

The platform allows you to set reduction targets and supports you in achieving them with personalised guidance that brings your company closer to #NetZero

Let's talk
Join companies that have taken a step towards sustainability with Envirly

How does it work?

The Envirly platform will guide you step-by-step through the process of calculating your carbon footprint
Krok 1

Enter data and learn about processes that generate a carbon footprint

Krok 2

Benefit from personalised recommendations for CO2 reduction measures

Krok 3

Simulate reduction plans, set targets and monitor their implementation over time

Krok 4

Download greenhouse gas emission reports

With Envirly you can do more

Kalkulator śladu węglowego eqCO2

ESG reporting

Realise the potential of your business and join SBTi with us

ESG reporting
Kalkulator śladu węglowego - redukcja emisji GHG

Product carbon footprint

Optimise product carbon footprint using the LCA method

Product carbon footprint

Explore the platform

Read more

about the legal environment, reducing emissions, #NetZero
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?