Ready for CSRD?

From 2024, European companies will have to report on sustainability indicators

Verify your company's readiness for upcoming sustainability challenges
Free consultation

This consultation is for you if:

Wonder what regulations companies must meet and whether they cover your company as well

You receive inquiries from contractors, customers or investors regarding ESG and don't know how to answer them

Want to find out what competencies and tools your team needs to meet ESG challenges


Book a free consultation

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sustainability according to ESRS

organization's carbon footprint

product environmental footprint

After a short conversation, you will learn:
  • Which ESG regulations apply to your business: CSRD, CBAM, Taxonomy, Green Claims, CSDD
  • How to manage ESG: engaging multiple departments, scheduling, and action plans
  • How to profit from implementing "green" practices
  • How to secure a competitive advantage for your company through responsible business strategies

We have already helped many companies

Let us help you too

Free consultation

Intuitive corporate sustainability management

On the Envirly platform, you will find the necessary information to enable your company to effectively manage sustainability in just a few clicks
Krok 1

Input data and learn about sustainable processes

Krok 2

Take advantage of personalized recommendations for actions e. g. to reduce CO2 emissions

Krok 3

Simulate reduction plans, set goals, and monitor progress over time

Krok 4

Download greenhouse gas emissions and ESG reports

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Why should we act?

Market requirements reward companies that have implemented a sustainability strategy



from this year, large companies will have to report non-financial data, including their carbon footprint, and in subsequent years smaller businesses as well

with customers


customers expect companies to act with a focus on the environment and sustainability



transparency in relation to carbon footprint reporting can ensure that contracts with large companies are maintained



billions of euros from the EU budget for 2021-2027 earmarked for the fight against climate change
Find out more

What are the benefits of sustainable development?

Financial savings

By identifying the areas where your business generates the most emissions, you can implement effective strategies to reduce the consumption of energy and other resources, saving the capital you put into the processes.

Compliance with regulatory requirements

In many industries, calculating the carbon footprint is required by legislation. Through the CSRD, which will already come into force in 2024, or others already in force in other European countries, even small companies linked to larger supply chains will be forced to report their carbon footprint. By using the Envirly platform, you can comply with these regulations in accordance with the current ISO 14064-1 and GHG Protocol standards. The Envirly platform has been independently certified by TUV Nord in this regard, confirming methodological compliance.

Taking rational business decisions

Counting your carbon footprint provides vital information about your company's environmental impact, and with Envirly's transparent data presentation, you can draw accurate conclusions that translate into relevant business decisions.

Supporting environmental protection practices

By calculating your carbon footprint and taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, your company is contributing to global climate action.

Improving the image

More and more consumers are choosing products and services from companies that are aware of their environmental impact. Counting the carbon footprint and taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can therefore translate into increased customer confidence.

Sustainability Reporting

ESG reporting doesn't have to take months. Use technology to streamline processes and analyse data.

Analyse and reduce environmental impact with intelligent reduction tips

Verify the company's social norms and create a friendly working environment

Receive an assessment of the governance structure, internal control systems, ethical policies, quality of reporting, or relations with shareholders and investors

Generate a full ESG report of your business, show your commitment to sustainability and increase investor and customer confidence

Read more
Kalkulator śladu węglowego - analityka
Kalkulator śladu węglowego - formularz

Organisation's Carbon Footprint

Managing your carbon footprint without specialist expertise? Now it's easy!

Enter or upload the necessary data and check your score

Manage your organisation's carbon footprint in Scopes 1, 2, 3 in an ISO-14064-1 and GHG Protocol certified tool

Save time by simplifying data collection and processing

Measure your environmental impact with flexible data entry methods tailored to your company's available data

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Product Carbon Footprint

Stay competitive in the marketplace by discovering the full carbon footprint of your products from production to disposal using life cycle analysis (LCA)

Minimise the time and effort required for analysis

Sensitivity analysis: see which factors have the greatest impact on your product's carbon footprint and how you can reduce them

Comparing the carbon footprint of products: choose the best solution for your business and the environment

Greenhouse gas reduction planning: develop a strategy to reduce the environmental impact of your products

Read more
Kalkulator śladu węglowego - plan redukcji

For whom is the Envirly platform addressed?

Envirly's carbon footprint management solution is designed for any business that wants to take a step towards sustainability and reduce its environmental impact. It responds to the needs of different sectors and industries.

Small and medium-sized businesses

The Envirly platform is designed to be easy to use and accessible to any business, regardless of size or budget. It enables small and medium-sized companies to effectively manage their environmental impact.

Corporations and large companies

The tool is fully scalable and suitable for large companies and corporations that need advanced tools to analyse their carbon footprint and take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The platform allows easy comparison of emissions across divisions, making it easy to monitor progress, as well as full ESG reporting. We also offer customisable platform functionality.

Companies from various sectors wishing to develop in a sustainable manner

The solution is versatile and suitable for companies in a variety of industries, including manufacturers, service providers, transport companies, companies in the energy sector, chemical sector and many others. With our tools, companies from a variety of industries can effectively calculate their emissions and take specific actions to reduce their environmental impact.

Companies that want to increase their environmental activities

Envirly's carbon footprint management platform is designed for companies that want to approach their business from a sustainability perspective and aim to reduce their environmental impact. The tool provides detailed reports and guidance to help companies take effective action.

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about the legal environment, reducing emissions, #NetZero
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
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Business sustainability management can be simple

Comprehensively manage your organisation's environmental and social impacts in one platform

Make an appointment to find out more by filling out the contact form

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You may opt-out of your consent to receive communications at any time. For more information on how to opt-out, our privacy practices and how we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, please see our Privacy Policy. By clicking the "Send" button, you consent to Envirly storing and processing the personal information you provide in the form in order to provide you with the content you have requested.

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