Courses on sustainability, carbon footprint
and ESG reporting for companies

Prepare your business properly for the new regulations
and gain a competitive advantage
Let's talk

For whom?

We train key managers and ESG specialists from both large organizations and SMEs
Sustainability teams

Envirly's training courses have been developed for ESG and environmental professionals, among others. During the training courses, participants will gain practical knowledge of the latest trends, regulations and tools related to non-financial reporting.

The entire organisation

Through Envirly's training, the entire organisation can gain new skills and knowledge to improve their understanding of sustainability issues. Our training courses are tailored to suit a variety of needs and levels of expertise, allowing us to effectively educate employees across a range of disciplines.

Strategic managers

If you are a manager or board member, know that your role in sustainability is critical to the success of your entire organisation. Our executive training courses will help you understand how to approach sustainability challenges in a business context so that you achieve returns on investment.

Dlaczego warto zacząć już teraz?


Coraz więcej firm na całym świecie wymaga od swoich kontrahentów przestrzegania określonych standardów związanych z ESG, co może mieć wpływ na decyzje dotyczące wyboru partnerów biznesowych. Działania ESG pozwalają budować trwałe relacje biznesowe, oparte na zaufaniu i wzajemnym zrozumieniu.


W dzisiejszych czasach klienci coraz bardziej interesują się zrównoważonym rozwojem i są skłonni zapłacić więcej za produkty firm które działają etycznie, dlatego firma, która potrafi pokazać swoje zaangażowanie w te kwestie, może zyskać przewagę konkurencyjną na rynku.


Coraz więcej pracowników wybiera pracodawców na podstawie ich zaangażowania w kwestie związane z etyką i zrównoważonym rozwojem. Szkolenia z ESG pokazują, że Twoja firma jest odpowiedzialna społecznie i troszczy się o ochronę środowiska, co przyciąga do niej osoby, które dzielą te wartości.

Explore Envirly's educational offerings

Prepare your company for upcoming environmental regulations

Packages dedicated to companies that aim to adequately prepare the organisation for the upcoming regulations related to non-financial and ESG reporting and organisations that want to take actions directed towards sustainability. The programme consists of several preparation phases and the entire process is overseen by a team of sustainability experts.

Pack includes:
ESG training, sustainability

Sustainability training dedicated to the different stakeholders of the organisation (Board of Directors, Environment Department, Finance Department, supply chain).

There are 3 training courses available in the package:
  • The organisation's carbon footprint: regulations, market expectations (directed at the Board, environmental departments, employees)
  • Supply chain training on carbon footprint reporting and useful tools
  • Training on calculating and managing an organisation's carbon footprint
Access to the Envirly platform
  • Gradually implemented reporting scopes: Scope 1,2,3 GHG Protocol
  • Carbon footprint management: analytics, real-time CO2 monitoring, emission twin of the company, data visualisation
  • Reduction inspirations and targets
  • Automatic aggregation of data within the organisation and from actors in the supply chain
  • PDF report and spreadsheets with a description of the methodology and sources of emissions factors needed for the audits
  • Support from a dedicated mentor
ESG reporting
  • ESG reporting in line with regulatory requirements and the company's strategic objectives
  • Aggregation of non-financial data
  • Superadmin panel: managing and comparing a group of companies and entities in one place
Group courses for environmental departments
A choice of topics:
  • Organisation carbon footprint course: regulations, market expectations (aimed at Management Board, environmental departments, employees)
  • Supply chain education on carbon footprint reporting and useful tools
  • Training on calculating and managing an organisation's carbon footprint
Sustainability in small business - how to care for the environment and increase profits?
In the course you will learn:
  • What are the benefits of implementing sustainability in business
  • What steps your company should take to start going greener
  • How to reduce costs by introducing sustainability measures
  • What tools the Envirly platform offers and how they can help your company achieve its sustainability goals
  • You will learn examples of companies that have successfully implemented sustainability principles and achieved financial benefits and a positive environmental impact

Looking for something more?

We also offer training tailored to the individual needs of your organization.
Write to us

With Envirly you can do more

Kalkulator śladu węglowego eqCO2

ESG reporting

Realise the potential of your business and join SBTi with us

ESG reporting
Kalkulator śladu węglowego - redukcja emisji GHG

Product carbon footprint

Optimise the carbon footprint of products using the LCA method

Product carbon footprint

Więcej informacji

o otoczeniu prawnym, zmniejszaniu emisji, #NetZero
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?
Dlaczego warto monitorować ślad węglowy?

ESG compliance and competitive advantage

Your partner in ESG through advice, expertise and a technological solution

Sustainability Reporting

Assesment and Double Materiality Matrix

All ESRS standards in one tool

Stakeholder dialogue, a tool to send forms and aggregate data from stakeholders

Identify ESG opportunities, impacts and risks

Generation of a full non-financial report in accordance with the guidelines

Organisation's Carbon Footprint

Intuitive forms and advanced data aggregation

Manage the organisation's carbon footprint in Scopes 1, 2, 3 in a certified tool compliant with ISO-14064-1 and the GHG Protocol

Time savings through automation of data collection and management processes

Carbon footprint reduction targets and strategies, decarbonisation

Product Carbon Footprint, LCA

Analysis of a product's environmental footprint in 4 steps

Access to world-class emissions data quality

Sensitivity analysis: verifying the impact of factors on your product's carbon footprint and how you can reduce it

Scope of categories of environmental impact

Emission reduction planning